Dadu Dayal संत दादूदयाल का जीवन परिचय ( Dadu Dayal Biography in Hindi & English )

Dadu Dayal संत दादू दयाल 16वीं शताब्दी के एक महान संत और कवि थे, जिनका जीवन और शिक्षाएं भक्ति, आध्यात्मिकता, और मानवता के प्रति प्रेम पर केंद्रित थीं। राजस्थान के अहमदाबाद में जन्मे, दादू दयाल ने अपनी सरल और प्रभावशाली वाणी से समाज में व्याप्त धार्मिक भेदभाव और जातिगत विभाजन को मिटाने का प्रयास किया। उन्होंने सभी धर्मों के लोगों को एकता, प्रेम, और ईश्वर की उपासना के लिए प्रेरित किया, और उनकी रचनाएं आज भी सद्भाव और प्रेम का संदेश देती हैं।

  • संत दादू दयाल का जीवन परिचय
  • नाम: दादू पंत
  • उपनाम: राजस्थान का कबीर
  • प्रधान पीठ: नारायणा, जयपुर
  • जन्म: अहमदाबाद, 1544 ई.
  • पिता का नाम: लोदी राम ब्राह्मण
  • बचपन का नाम: महाबली
  • गुरु का नाम: ब्रमानंद
Dadu Dayal

संत दादूदयाल का जीवन अद्भुत और प्रेरणादायक है। अहमदाबाद में जन्मे, दादू दयाल एक साधारण व्यक्ति नहीं थे। उन्होंने सांभर आकर धुनिया का कार्य शुरू किया। उनका जीवन यापन सादगीपूर्ण था, और वे अपने सख्त नियमों के लिए जाने जाते थे। वे आमेर, जयपुर के राजा भगवत दास और मानसिंह के दरबार के कवि भी थे। 1585 ई. में फतेहपुर सीकरी आगरा में अकबर से मुलाकात की थी।

  • संत दादूदयाल के पांच नियम:
  • विवाह नहीं करना
  • नगर के बाहर रहना
  • मृतकों को जंगल में छोड़ देना
  • सत्यराम कहकर अभिवादन करना
  • सिर मुंडाकर रहना
  • उनकी मृत्यु 1603 ई. में नारायणा, जयपुर में हुई, इसलिए नारायणा को उनकी प्रमुख पीठ माना जाता है। उनकी मृत्यु के बाद संत नागरीदास उनकी गद्दी पर बैठे। दादूदयाल का शव भैरव पहाड़ी पर रखा गया, जिसे अब “दादू खोल” कहा जाता है।

प्रमुख रचनाएँ और शिष्य

दादूदयाल के 152 शिष्य थे, जिनमें से 52 को “स्तंभ” कहा जाता है। उनके सत्संग स्थलों को “अलख दरीबा” कहा जाता है। उन्होंने ‘दादू रादोहा’ और ‘दादूरी वाणी’ नामक ग्रंथ लिखे, जो ढूंढाड़ी भाषा में पद्य शैली में हैं। उनका पहला उपदेश सांभर, जयपुर में दिया गया था।

  • दादू दयाल जी के प्रमुख शिष्य:
  • संत रज्जब जी
  • संत सुंदरदास जी
  • दादू पंथ की स्थापना

दादू दयाल मध्यकालीन भक्ति आंदोलन के प्रमुख संतों में से एक थे। उनके दो पुत्र, गरीबदास और मिक्किम दास, ने उनके पंथ की गद्दी संभाली। दादू जी का जन्म गुजरात के अहमदाबाद में हुआ था, जहां एक धनी व्यापारी ने उन्हें साबरमती नदी में तैरते हुए पाया था। उनकी माता और जाति के विषय में मतभेद हैं, लेकिन एक किवदंती के अनुसार, वे एक ब्राह्मणी की संतान थे जिन्हें बदनामी के डर से नदी में बहा दिया गया था।

आध्यात्मिक जीवन

11 वर्ष की आयु में दादू को भगवान के वेद रूप में दर्शन हुए, और उन्होंने इन्हीं वेदों को अपना गुरु माना। दादू जी की कई रचनाओं में संत कबीर का उल्लेख है। उन्होंने अपनी साखियों में बताया कि बूढ़े बाबा के रूप में उन्हें कबीर जी मिले थे और उन्हें अपना सतगुरु माना।

  • प्रमुख स्थान:
  • आमेर
  • सांभर
  • नारायणा
  • कल्याणपुर
  • भेराणा
Dadu Dayal

संत दादूदयाल ने समाज में व्याप्त भेदभाव को समाप्त करने के लिए उपदेश दिए। उन्होंने जात-पात और धर्म के मुद्दों पर गहन विचार व्यक्त किए। फतेहपुर सीकरी में बादशाह अकबर ने उनके सत्संग का लाभ लिया और गौ हत्या बंदी का फरमान लागू किया। दादू जी के द्वारा स्थापित “दादू पंथ” आज भी समाज सेवा में कार्यरत है।

Sant Dadu Dayal Biography in English

Dadu Dayal, a revered saint and poet-saint of the 16th century, stands as a pivotal figure in the spiritual and philosophical landscape of India. Known for his profound wisdom, Dadu Dayal’s teachings transcend the boundaries of time and space, offering timeless insights into the nature of existence, spirituality, and human relationships. This post delves into the life, teachings, and enduring legacy of Dadu Dayal, exploring his impact on the spiritual traditions of India and beyond.

Birth and Early Life (Dadu Dayal)

Dadu Dayal was born around 1544 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, to Brahmin merchant parents. His father’s name was Lodi Ram. Dadu worked as a cotton cleaner (dhuniya) for a living. He lived during the later years of Emperor Akbar’s reign and the early period of Jehangir’s rule. Dadu was a devout follower of Kabir, believing that God transcends all religions and sects.

Spiritual Beliefs and Teachings (Dadu Dayal)

Dadu rejected conventional Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, caste distinctions, and external religious practices such as temple visits and pilgrimages. Instead, he emphasized the chanting of God’s name (japa) and the soul’s devotion to God, often described as God’s bride. His teachings were rooted in spiritual equality and the rejection of sectarianism. He believed in a direct, personal connection with the divine that went beyond religious boundaries.

Poetic Works

Dadu’s spiritual teachings were expressed through poetic aphorisms and devotional hymns, which were compiled in a 5,000-verse anthology called Bani (“Poetic Utterances”). Another important text for his followers is the Panchvani (“Five Utterances”), which includes teachings from other poet-saints such as Kabir, Namdev, Ravidas, and Haridas. These texts serve as scripture for the Dadu Panth, the religious sect established by Dadu’s followers.

Formation of the Dadu Panth

Later in life, Dadu settled in Naraina, Rajasthan, near Jaipur, where he attracted a group of disciples and established the Dadu Panth. The Dadu Panthis, followers of the sect, are part of the Vaishnavite tradition and are known for their ascetic practices, vegetarianism, and abstinence from alcohol. The sect also has a significant martial tradition, with armed akharas (martial organizations) that played an important role in protecting their community.

Dadu Anubhav Vani

Dadu Dayal

Dadu’s spiritual wisdom is also captured in the Dadu Anubhav Vani, a collection of 5,000 verses, recorded by his disciple Rajjab. Another disciple, Janagopal, wrote the first biography of Dadu. In his songs, Dadu expressed the idea of spontaneous (sahaja) happiness, with imagery similar to that of Kabir and the Nath yogis. His teachings emphasized a non-sectarian, universal approach to devotion, urging his followers to be “Nipakh,” or free from sectarian allegiances.

The Establishment of Ashrams (Thambas)

Dadu had 100 followers who reached spiritual enlightenment, or samadhi. He instructed 52 of his disciples to establish ashrams, known as thambas, across the region to spread his teachings. The five most revered thambas are located at Naraina, Bhairanaji, Sambhar, Amer, and Karadala (Kalyanpura). Over time, followers of these thambas established additional places of worship.

Dadupanthi Martial Akharas

The martial tradition of the Dadu Panth began when Guru Jait Sahib (1693–1734 CE), a successor of Dadu, recruited armed Naga sadhus to form martial akharas. In 1733, the Dadu Panthis became tax-paying farmers in Jaipur State and hired these warrior monks to ensure the payment of taxes. By 1793, the Dadu Panthis had an agreement with Jaipur State to provide 5,000 armed soldier-sadhus for protection. During the 1857 revolt against the British, the Dadupanthis served as mercenaries for the British Raj.


Dadu Dayal’s teachings continue to inspire his followers, who revere him as a saint and reformer. His emphasis on non-sectarian devotion, equality, and spiritual unity remains a powerful message for generations. The Dadupanth, with its mix of spiritual and martial traditions, continues to thrive, particularly in Rajasthan, preserving Dadu’s vision of a more inclusive and direct relationship with the divine.


Who was Dadu Dayal, and why is he significant?

Dadu Dayal was a 16th-century Indian saint and poet known for his deep spiritual teachings and devotional poetry. He is significant for his emphasis on inner spirituality, divine love, and the unity of all religious paths. His teachings promote a personal and direct connection with the divine, transcending ritualistic practices and societal divisions.

What were the main teachings of Dadu Dayal?

Dadu Dayal taught that true spirituality lies in internal devotion and love for God rather than external rituals. He emphasized the presence of the divine within every individual, advocating for personal transformation, humility, and compassion. His teachings are rooted in the Bhakti tradition, focusing on self-realization, divine love, and equality.

How did Dadu Dayal’s teachings influence the Bhakti movement?

Dadu Dayal’s teachings played a crucial role in reinforcing the principles of the Bhakti movement, which emphasized devotion, simplicity, and the rejection of caste and religious discrimination. His focus on inner purity and devotion helped to spread the ideals of the Bhakti movement, promoting a more inclusive and personal approach to spirituality.

What are some of the key works or writings of Dadu Dayal?

Dadu Dayal’s teachings are primarily preserved in his poetic compositions, known as “Dadu Vani,” a collection of verses and hymns reflecting his spiritual philosophy. These works emphasize divine love, inner awakening, and the importance of a direct connection with God. His poetry remains influential and continues to be recited in devotional gatherings.

How is Dadu Dayal remembered and honored today?

Dadu Dayal is remembered and honored through temples, ashrams, and spiritual gatherings dedicated to his teachings. His followers, known as Dadupanthis, continue to spread his message of love, devotion, and inner transformation. Devotees gather to sing his hymns and reflect on his teachings, keeping his spiritual legacy alive across generations.


Dadu Dayal remains a beacon of spiritual wisdom and enlightenment, whose teachings continue to resonate with seekers of truth and inner peace. Through his poetic verses and profound insights, he offered a path to divine love that transcends religious boundaries, promoting unity, compassion, and personal transformation. His emphasis on an intimate, inner connection with the divine invites us to look beyond rituals and embrace a spirituality that is deeply personal and universally inclusive. As his legacy endures, Dadu Dayal’s message serves as a timeless reminder of the power of love, humility, and devotion to transform our lives and bring us closer to the divine essence within us all.

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