The SSB Full Form in English is Service Selection Board (SSB) is responsible for selecting candidates for officer positions in the Indian Armed Forces. The selection process is comprehensive and spans five days, encompassing various evaluation methods such as interviews, personality assessments, and psychological tests.

SSB का पूरा नाम हिंदी में
SSB का हिंदी में पूरा नाम “सेवा चयन बोर्ड” है। यह एक बहुत ही कठिन और लंबा साक्षात्कार प्रक्रिया है, जिसे हम कह सकते हैं कि यह आपके व्यक्तित्व का गहराई से परीक्षण करता है। एसएसबी केवल एक परीक्षा नहीं है, बल्कि एक 5 दिन की प्रक्रिया है जिसमें आप विभिन्न तरीकों से अपने व्यक्तित्व का परीक्षण करते हैं।
सीडीएस, एनडीए, टीए, आईएनईटी, और एएफसीएटी जैसी लिखित परीक्षाओं को पास करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को संबंधित सैन्य बोर्डों द्वारा एसएसबी साक्षात्कार के लिए बुलाया जाता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, शॉर्टलिस्ट की गई सीधी प्रविष्टियों जैसे टीईएस, टीजीसी, यूईएस, और एसएससी टेक के लिए भी एसएसबी साक्षात्कार के लिए उपस्थित हो सकते हैं।

Day-by-Day Breakdown:
Day 1: Candidates begin with a screening test.
Day 2: They undergo mental aptitude tests.
Days 3 and 4: These days are dedicated to group tasks and activities.
Day 5: The final assessment and decisions are made during a conference.
SSB Full Form:
The SSB Full Form in English is Service Selection Board (SSB) evaluates candidates for officer roles based on their mental and physical fitness, personality, and intelligence. The board comprises a panel including a psychologist, an interviewing officer, and a group tasks officer. The evaluation process is divided into two stages:
Stage I: This includes a written test and a Picture Perception and Description Test (PP&DT).
Stage II: This stage involves psychological tests, group tasks, and an individual interview.
The primary goal of the SSB is to assess candidates’ leadership potential, decision-making abilities, and performance under pressure.

Overall SSB Process:
The SSB is more than just an examination; it is an extensive evaluation designed to assess candidates’ suitability for serving in the Indian Armed Forces. Over several days, various techniques are employed to thoroughly understand each candidate’s personality, ensuring that those selected possess the essential qualities and traits needed for effective national service.
Aspect | Evaluation Method |
Intelligence | OIR test: Measures general intelligence and reasoning |
Leadership | Group tasks and individual interview: Assess leadership, decision-making, and ability to work under pressure |
Personality | Psychological tests and interview: Evaluate personality traits, motivation, resilience, and emotional maturity |
Physical Fitness | Medical examination: Assess physical fitness and ability to withstand military training and service requirements |
Candidates who successfully pass the written exams for CDS, NDA, TA, INET, and AFCAT are subsequently called for an SSB Interview by the respective military boards. Additionally, candidates can be invited for the SSB Interview through direct entry schemes such as TES, TGC, UES, and SSC Tech. Those selected must then undergo an Intelligence and Personality Test conducted by a Service Selection Board.
SSB Full Form Overview
The SSB Full Form in English is Service Selection Board, which is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates for the defense forces. These boards are located at various sites across the country. After candidates clear the written exam, they proceed to the SSB Interview as part of the selection process.
SSB Interview Procedure
The SSB interview process evaluates candidates based on 15 key traits known as “Officer Like Qualities.” The evaluation follows this procedure:
Day 0 (Reporting)
- Candidates are typically greeted by an officer or officers from the board upon arrival at the station and are then transported to the selection center.
- After settling in, an ‘Opening Address’ is given by an officer of the board, outlining the schedule and activities for the next five days.
- Document Verification is conducted, where candidates’ original documents are checked.
- At some boards, especially in the Air Force, the Reporting Day is considered Day 1 of the SSB, and testing may commence on the same day.
Here’s the table you requested:
Assessment Stage | Description |
Picture Perception | An image is displayed for 30 seconds. Candidates note down details like sex, age, and mood of characters, and actions performed by them. Candidates create a story based on the image within a time period of 4 minutes. |
Group Discussion | A group of 10-15 candidates is formed. Each candidate narrates his/her story. The group discusses individual stories to reach a common consensus. |
Day 2 (Psychology Test)
Day 3 (Group Testing – I)
Day 4 (Group Testing – II)
Here’s the table for Day 4 (Group Testing – II):
Test Type | Description | Duration |
Lecturette | Candidates choose one topic from 4 options and speak on it for 3 minutes. | 3 minutes |
Individual Obstacles (IO) | Candidates individually clear 10 obstacles within 3 minutes, marked for difficulty. | 3 minutes |
Command Task (CT) | Each candidate acts as a commander, given an obstacle similar to HGT to overcome with subordinates. | Time not specified |
Final Group Task (FGT) | The entire group reunites to complete a task similar to PGT within a stipulated time. | Time not specified |
Personal Interview | Conducted on Day 2, 3, and 4 after daily tasks. Questions cover everyday experiences, work, education, family, hobbies, etc. | Time not specified |
Day 5 (Conference)
Day 5 is the final day of the SSB process, beginning with a closing address from the assessor, followed by the conference of candidates.
During the board conference, all the officers who assessed the candidates over the previous days come together to discuss each candidate’s suitability. Each candidate meets individually with the board, where their overall assessment is presented, and a recommendation is made based on this discussion.
For candidates who are borderline, additional scenarios may be provided, and a collective decision is reached.
After the results are announced, shortlisted candidates proceed to further medical examinations. Successfully clearing the medicals and making it to the merit list means you are one step closer to earning the esteemed stars after completing the rigorous training process.
SSB – Grounds for Disqualification
Candidates may be disqualified from the SSB if they have any of the following medical conditions:
Key Traits Evaluated by SSB
The SSB evaluates candidates based on several key traits:
Officer-like Qualities (OLQs):
- Effective intelligence and reasoning abilities
- Organizational skills and social adaptability
- Cooperation and sense of responsibility
- Strong leadership qualities
Psychological Attributes:
- Positive attitude and self-confidence
- Clear and logical expression of thoughts
- Ability to manage stress and pressure
Group Dynamics:
- Teamwork and cooperation
- Problem-solving skills
- Effective communication
The Service Selection Board is more than just a selection process; it is a transformative journey that prepares individuals to become potential leaders in the armed forces. Aspiring candidates should focus not only on academic preparation but also on developing a well-rounded personality to meet the SSB’s high expectations. Understanding the nuances of the SSB process is crucial for those aiming to serve the nation with honor and distinction.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does SSB Full Form?
The SSB Full Form in English is Service Selection Board. It is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates for the Indian Armed Forces.
What is the purpose of the Service Selection Board (SSB)?
The primary purpose of the SSB is to assess candidates’ suitability for commissioning into the Indian Armed Forces by evaluating their leadership qualities, psychological attributes, and overall personality through a series of tests and interviews.
How many days does the SSB interview process typically last?
The SSB interview process generally lasts for five days, which includes various tests and evaluations such as screening tests, mental aptitude tests, group tasks, and personal interviews.
What are the key traits evaluated during the SSB interview?
The SSB evaluates several key traits, including officer-like qualities (OLQs) such as intelligence, leadership, and adaptability, psychological attributes like self-confidence and stress management, and group dynamics including teamwork and communication skills.
Who conducts the SSB interviews?
The SSB interviews are conducted by a panel of officers from the Indian Armed Forces, including an Interviewing Officer, a Psychologist, and a Group Task Officer (GTO), each specializing in different aspects of the evaluation process.
The SSB Full Form in English is Service Selection Board (SSB) plays a crucial role in the recruitment process for the Indian Armed Forces. It is dedicated to identifying and selecting individuals who possess the qualities necessary to excel as officers. Through a rigorous five-day process, the SSB evaluates candidates on their leadership abilities, psychological attributes, and group dynamics.
Understanding the full scope of the SSB process is essential for aspiring candidates. Preparing effectively for the SSB involves not only academic readiness but also personal development to meet the board’s high standards. By grasping the purpose and evaluation criteria of the SSB, candidates can better align their preparations to succeed in this transformative selection journey and ultimately serve the nation with honor and distinction.